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Excerpt from F.D.R. Vol. 1: Air, Fire, Earth & Water

Writer's picture: Don TolmanDon Tolman

Updated: Jul 11, 2021

by Don Tolman

(1,700+ pages of Ancient Wisdom for all ages)


Spirit = Air = To Breathe

Every atom in existence is part of many ecosystems, kingdoms inside of kingdoms inside of kingdoms, worlds without ends.

The meaning of life is to be alive, to have life in abundance with a rich quality of life-force within. It is not defined, nor is it found in the future time. There is no joy, no sensation, and no thought outside of a physical body. Life is not the serious, heavy, lesson-burdened business you would believe, filled with punishments or rewards in the afterlife, a carrot held out for service rendered here and now, to be endowed in the hereafter as joy in varying degrees in between.

Face it and then rejoice in it. Feel the rain on your face, smell the ocean or scent of the forest. If you can do this, you are truly a pagan. Do not be shocked. A pagan was merely a country dweller. The country dwellers celebrated the flesh, the life, the seasons of all things. The pious and sanctimonious society-builders hated them and their earthly ways, yet secretly yearned to be like them in their unashamed freedom to live, to love, to touch. You must learn to play fully and joyfully experiment with the awesome and even amazing possibilities of yourself.


About 50 years ago, people received around three to six hours of natural sunlight per day and now the average exposure to the light is only about 30 to 45 minutes. Sunlight from the full-spectrum rays of daylight are crucial to the human body. Sunlight regulates our body's rhythm, circadian system being our primary regulatory rhythm.

Be a Star Gazer - Eyes are Windows of the Sol ~ Soul ~ Sun.

A Father's Wisdom, A Mother's Call

To all ancient cultures the father of all things is the Sun. The mother of all things is Gaea, the Earth. Any truly thinking person would have to agree that this is so. Without them we wouldn't be here. One of the most precious things we have lost over the years, along with walking and drinking enough water each day, is gazing at the sun, the moon and the stars. Sunlight is a nutrient dense brain snack. We are, as the ancient writings declare "Children of Light". Direct sunlight into the eyes in the first hour of sunrise and the last hour of sunset causes the pineal gland (ancient eye, third eye, intuitive eye) to secrete chemicals that can activate regions of the brain that otherwise lay atrophied and dormant. These regions when activated and cultivated can take an individual into elevated mental, emotional and physical realms that are not possible otherwise. Iris means rainbow. At the end of the rainbow is a "pot of gold" This is the ancient legend taught, and it's true. Through star gazing we can build the gifts of creativity; dreams; dream interpretation; imagination; furor loquendi and furor scribendi (which are the range for speech and writing) automatic downloads of songs, poetry, invention, past and future records of human experience.

~Develop Your Own Solar Flare~ F.I.R.E. - B.U.R.N.

F uel I gnited R eleases E nergy - B eauty U nderstanding R enewal N euro-essentials


Earth - Body Sculpting with Whole Foods as Medicines - fresh and organic fruits and vegetables.

Perhaps the greatest benefits of plant whole foods are the seven fibers that they deliver. Fiber is the only form of exercise that some organs and systems of the body receive, and Life is Movement. Cultures that eat high amounts of nature's fiber have rare, if any, incidence of obesity or any of the other top fatal diseases found in fiberless countries. Whole food fibers and water are a start to fabulous weight loss, supple skin and healthy kidneys.

Farmacist Desk Reference will help you to free yourself from joint, muscle, artery, circulation, mental and cellular sludge. You will feel sparkling clean, youthful and alive again in mind, body, spirit and emotions.

Seven Truest Truths

Air blows, sunshine glows and whole food grows;

where water goes.

Loved ones walking really shows,

this is how health, relationships

and passion flows.


The fluidity of water can teach us that we are not solid, immobile beings, but rather, ever changing yet powerful channels of life.

The recognition of how water affects your life is one of the most important keys to an ageless health of the body. It is through the liquid systems of the body that all nutrients are carried to the cellular level and the toxins are transferred away and out of the body. Systems can carry on as long as they are not poisoned by their own wastes.

Water awakens your psyche, soothes your emotions and acts as the transmitter for all manner of information about you and your world along with feeding you and carrying out the trash.

Water is the Basis of Consciousness. Water is literally liquid sunlight. The Ancients called water the wine of life. I call it the elixir of intelligence.

Holy Water

In Ancient medicine water was held as sacred. When someone offered you a glass of water without you asking for it, it was considered a high gift of God and was sipped as a holy sacrament.

Along with fresh air, water was the orthodox medical science of ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. In ancient religions, pure water was used for the purification of the body and was referred to as the holiest of angels because it healed the body more quickly than anything else.

Cowboy Don Tolman, Real Food Medicine Man

To learn more about Healing Powers of Water and Water Fasting Protocols, become your own healer and get the Encyclopedia Farmacist Desk Reference in 3 Volumes with over 1,700 pages of wisdom of sages as researched, experienced and collected by Don Tolman.

This collection of books is Divine in its purpose and Sacred in its wisdom.

Thank you Don for being the carer of healing and mentor of health and true wisdom!

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This week's recommendations:

Encyclopedia of Whole Food Medicine: Farmacist Desk Reference (F.D.R.) Complete Set of Vol 1, 2 & 3 is the most important book in your library. For the well being of your body, mind, heart & soul.

SACRED MIST: Sacred Mist is a collection of sacred and blessed waters from around the world. Collected by generations of healers.

SACRED THREE: The Ultimate Healing, Empowerment & Awakening Set of Sacred Oil, Sacred Incense & Sacred Mist.

Discover the Healer Within, Become a Pure Energy Healer!

Thank you for stopping by. Have a beautiful & blessed week!

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