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61 items found
- Excerpts from Farmacist Desk Reference Vol. 2
Last week we shared an excerpt from Don Tolman's Encyclopedia Vol 1. Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid Sources Importance: Participates in the release of energy from carbohydrates, fats : Necessary for the synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, the building blocks of protein; aids in fat mouth disorders, muscular weakness, dermatitis, arm and leg cramps, loss of hair, slow learning and water
- It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
Health check: I'm practicing the Seven Principles of Health as taught by #DonTolman (Fresh Air, Clean Water
- Navigating Current Times & Tides
Think about the last time someone (it might have been you at some point) used the words "conspiracy theory No matter the tides, you will be navigating the waters of life with more clarity and peace. this blog from Lemon House Facebook page Link and Follow @lemonhouseglobal on Instagram and share the last
- Let's Talk About Money
She gives us earth to grow food; she gives us water, air and sunshine.
- Self Healing & Spirituality
Clean water, air, sunshine and daily exercise heals and strengthens the physical body. Emotional Wellness - Heartset Heal the heart from emotional pain, and traumas from the past.
- Introduction To Crystals - A Personal Story
Fast forward to today: my crystal collection has expanded and my appreciation for them lead me to curate
- Actor's Journey To Becoming A Healer
Fast forward a decade or so depending when you start counting and there I was, following the dream. Healing Academy, I’ve completed the PEH curriculum; I’ve participated in most of the courses over the last
- The Crystal Story
A few weeks later, I was drinking tea with another lady in my village while her eight-year-old daughter She had suffered from severe night terrors for the last three years — waking up at 3am every night and
- Join a Community
From last week's conversation about Trust - Moneta (money) we move to another ancient principle of well The last decade has brought us away from true connections more than ever before. often want our family and closest friends to embrace our views, yet more often than not they are the last Join a community where you won't have to waste your energy to explain or justify yourself nor have to I didn't think that four years later - I would be at the Pure Energy Healing Academy about to launch
- Mind Over Matter
If we cast a spell with the words we speak, if sound is a #vibration, then why would you want to repeat
- What is happening in our world?
We are force-fed the so-called ‘fact’ that the pharmaceutical industry is our only option for health
- The Awakening
This time of the #Awakening has been written about throughout history and across cultures, from Far East every single thing you've been told and every single thing that comes from the conditioning of the past To Awaken and #Transform - comes from a radically different place - it is NOTHING like the past nor like